What does net – zero carbon emissions mean for the fossil fuel industry?

The burning of fossil fuels accounts for more than 80% of global CO 2 emissions, which are the main contributors to climate change. According to the World Economic Forum, climate change poses existential risks to humanity and requires urgent action. The Paris Climate Agreement seeks to limit global warming by requiring countries to reduce CO 2 emissions to zero by 2050.

We hosted Professor Myles Allen, the University of Oxford’s physicist behind net-zero and one of the co-authors of the UN Climate report to discuss the implications of net-zero for the fossil fuel industry and companies such as Sasol, Exarro and Thungela Resources.

Myles Allen developed the methods used by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) to quantify the size of human influence on observed and projected changes in global temperature. He founded the climateprediction.net project, enabling members of the public to volunteer computing resources to run the world’s largest climate modeling experiments. He was awarded the Appleton Medal and Prize from the Institute of Physics “for his important contributions to the detection and attribution of human influence on climate and quantifying uncertainty in climate predictions.”

Myles is the Professor of Geosystem Science in the School of Geography and the Environment, Head of the Climate Dynamics Group in the Department of Physics, as well as Lead Researcher on the Oxford Martin Net Zero Carbon Investment Initiative, among other programmes, at Oxford University.

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